Airsim install



Build AirSim on Linux

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Install and Build

Make sure you are registered with Epic Games. This is required to get source code access for Unreal Engine.
Clone Unreal in your favorite folder and build it (this may take a while!). Note: We only support Unreal 4.18 at present. bash
       # go to the folder where you clone GitHub projects
       git clone -b 4.18
       cd UnrealEngine
Clone AirSim and build it: bash
       # go to the folder where you clone GitHub projects
       git clone
       cd AirSim


  1. Go to UnrealEngine folder and start Unreal by running UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor.
  2. When Unreal Engine prompts for opening or creating project, select Browse and choose AirSim/Unreal/Environments/Blocks (or your custom Unreal project).
  3. If you get prompts to convert project, look for More Options or Convert-In-Place option. If you get prompted to build, chose Yes. If you get prompted to disable AirSim plugin, choose No.
  4. After Unreal Editor loads, press Play button. Tip: go to 'Edit->Editor Preferences', in the 'Search' box type 'CPU' and ensure that the 'Use Less CPU when in Background' is unchecked.



